Alvar Aalto
1898Born in Kuortane, Finland
1916-21Studied architecture at Helsinki Technical University
1923Opened his architectural office in Jyväskylä
1924Married his colleague Aino Marsio, who became his closest collaborator
1929Designed the building for the newspaper Turun Sanomat in Turku
1931Participates in the design of the exhibition for the 700th anniversary of Turku
1929-33Designed the Paimio Sanatorium
1937Designed the Finnish pavilion for the Paris World Exhibition
1939Makes the Finnish pavilion for the New York World's Fair
1947-49Makes the MIT dormitory in Cambridge
1955-58Builds the House of Culture in Helsinki
1976Died in Helsinki
1931-32Armchair model 41 and cantilever model 31
1932-33Series of furniture with L-shaped legs including chair model 62, stool model 60, round table model 70
1937Suspension A330 "Golden Bell" for the Savoy restaurant, Helsinki
1946-47Furniture series with Y-shaped legs including chair model 612, stool model 61
1954Series of furniture with fan-shaped legs including stool model 600r
1916-21Studied architecture at Helsinki Technical University
1923Opened his architectural office in Jyväskylä
1924Married his colleague Aino Marsio, who became his closest collaborator
1929Designed the building for the newspaper Turun Sanomat in Turku
1931Participates in the design of the exhibition for the 700th anniversary of Turku
1929-33Designed the Paimio Sanatorium
1937Designed the Finnish pavilion for the Paris World Exhibition
1939Makes the Finnish pavilion for the New York World's Fair
1947-49Makes the MIT dormitory in Cambridge
1955-58Builds the House of Culture in Helsinki
1976Died in Helsinki
Main designs
1929-30Series of tubular chairs, including the chair model 6, and the sofa convertible into a bed model 631931-32Armchair model 41 and cantilever model 31
1932-33Series of furniture with L-shaped legs including chair model 62, stool model 60, round table model 70
1937Suspension A330 "Golden Bell" for the Savoy restaurant, Helsinki
1946-47Furniture series with Y-shaped legs including chair model 612, stool model 61
1954Series of furniture with fan-shaped legs including stool model 600r
Archive (not avalaible)

Beautiful clothes designed by Alvar Aalto in the '30s. Birch and nickle steel, original plate of the Finmar manu...

Two stools model 60 designed by Alvar Aalto in 1930. The darkest is the '30s -'40 (certainly Stylclair) the clea...

Beautiful pair of armchairs designed by Alvar Aalto in 1932 for the Piamio sanatorium. Rare edition in Karelian...