Werner Max Moser
1896Born in Zurich
1916-21Studies of architecture at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (student of his father Karl Moser)
1922Internship at Granpré-Molière, Rotterdam, where he met Mart Stam
1923-26Works in Chicago and Los Angeles for Frank Lloyd Wright
1927Participates in the design of six model apartments for the SWB, in the Weissenhofsiedlung Stuttgart
1928Opens his office in Zurich (temporarily with Emil Roth). Participates in the foundation of the CIAM in La Sarraz
1928-31Participates in the realization of the Werkbundsiedlung Neubühl
1931Co-founder of the firm Wohnbedarf in Zurich with Siegfried Giedion and Rudolf Graber
1937Architectural office with M.E. Haefeli and Rudolf Steiner in Zurich
1937-39Construction of the Kongersshaus in Zurich
1956Visiting professor at Harvard University Cambridge USA
1958-64Professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich
1970Died in Zurich
1931Folding table 1752 and Volkssessel chair for Wohnbeddarf
1933Armchair 1430 (Volksmodell), nesting table for Wohnbedarf
1916-21Studies of architecture at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (student of his father Karl Moser)
1922Internship at Granpré-Molière, Rotterdam, where he met Mart Stam
1923-26Works in Chicago and Los Angeles for Frank Lloyd Wright
1927Participates in the design of six model apartments for the SWB, in the Weissenhofsiedlung Stuttgart
1928Opens his office in Zurich (temporarily with Emil Roth). Participates in the foundation of the CIAM in La Sarraz
1928-31Participates in the realization of the Werkbundsiedlung Neubühl
1931Co-founder of the firm Wohnbedarf in Zurich with Siegfried Giedion and Rudolf Graber
1937Architectural office with M.E. Haefeli and Rudolf Steiner in Zurich
1937-39Construction of the Kongersshaus in Zurich
1956Visiting professor at Harvard University Cambridge USA
1958-64Professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich
1970Died in Zurich
Main designs
1929Wooden chair for Horgen Glarus1931Folding table 1752 and Volkssessel chair for Wohnbeddarf
1933Armchair 1430 (Volksmodell), nesting table for Wohnbedarf